Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Thoughts on being a working mama

It is really easy to get lost in the sea of mom blogger posts (some that I follow and others that I extensively stalk and refuse to follow because seriously no one can look that good all the time), and question yourself as a mother, woman, and overall person. It's even easier to feel these things as a working mom. Although I am a huge fan of stay at home moms who create a business out of it, I am left a little listless at the lack of working moms who share their insight onto the work/life balance. I love being a working mom, but the balance is always difficult, and I am so curious how other mothers do it. 
I don't doubt that there are other working moms with the same questions I have, but I don't see them displayed on my Instagram feed. Like, I would truly appreciate a grainy photo of a kid eating a quesadilla for diner two days in a row, knowing I'm not alone in my imperfections. I also know, but don't really know, that I'm not the only mom who struggles to leave her baby in the morning, but super excited to put her to bed when I come home from work (I usually walk away from her room already missing her, so I'm not that terrible right?). 

Thursday, July 21, 2016


What the world needs more of is mom blogs. So here I am, filling that need. Just kidding, kind of. The truth really is, I have over a month off of work and have more time on my hands then necessary, and don't know what to do with myself.  This blog... if I actually keep up with it, will probably not be pretty. I don't own a nice camera, and I barely know how to use the picture apps on my phone. It's mostly for me to look back on, share with friends/family, and really kill time until I become an over-worked zombie. Until then...

Stella and her BFF